Introducing the Baha’i Jewish Lobby

bahaullahThe anti-Iranian nature of the missionary affair continues to reverbate within the Iranian Baha’i community. Iran has been the cradle of this British manufactured, Zionist supported cult from the very beginning. Most of its adherents have come from Iran. In fact, for all their posturing that they have managed to convert large populations in the Third World – and who for some reason can’t actually be found any rolls –, no other country in the world has been so receptive to the Baha’i idea than Iranians and particularly Iranian Jews.

These days, predominantly of former Jewish and sometimes Zoroastrian backgrounds, the current make up of Baha’is in Iran is vastly different to what it was in the late nineteenth centuary. The Baha’i faith lost its appeal to the mainstream Iranian community in the early 1900s during the Constitutional Revolution when Abbas Effendi not only failed to support the constitutional movement, but tacitly even supported the Russian involvement in Iranian internal politics and its sponsoring of Muhammad Ali Shah’s coup d’etat against the Parliament and people of Iran. Later in the mid 1950s Shoghi Effendi directly instructed Iranian Baha’is to work closely with the Pahlavi regime, ergo Habib Sabet. The exodus of Baha’is from Muslim backgrounds resulted in the reduction in the intellectual output of the community.

Coupled with that came the influx of new believers from these Iranian Jewish and Zoroastrian minorities. The new believers had been under persecution in their respective religions and saw the new faith as an opportunity to exert control over others. Introducing the powerful Baha’i “Jewish” Lobby.

Brought together by their dislike of Muslim influences on Iranian culture, the Jewish Baha’is began to gradually purge the Iranian Baha’i community from its Islamic roots and origins. This can be witnessed in their whitewashings of the militant Shi’ite and Babi past.

This agenda fitted well with Shoghi Effendi’s vision of abandoning Iran in favour of exporting the cult to other parts of the world. With the death of Shoghi Effendi in 1957 and the rise of the new UHJ oligarchy, the new Jewish (and sometimes Zoroastrian) adherents were quickly promoted through the ranks to high places within the Iranian
and International Baha’i communities. Key members of the Iranian NSA and continental Board of Counsellors came from this new ethnic grouping in the Baha’i cult. Following the 1979 revolution, most of the Jewish Baha’i elite migrated to Western Europe and California, USA, where their monies helped buy properties for the AO. The completion of the ARC project is owed to a large part to donations given from these two groups. Several confidential trips by UHJ members Fatheazam and Nakhjavani to LA and Australia in 1989 ensured that all the monies required for the ARC were secured from these groups. In fact the whole of these monies had been raised long before the advertising campaign for fundraising ever begun, much of through their own investments, with smatterings of large grants and subsidies given them by the Israeli government.

During the late 80s and early 90s many of the donators and their relatives were rewarded by the BWC by being nominated to key positions on the Continental Board and the ITC. In fact a quick scan of existing Counsellors in Europe, Australia and North America since 1985 suggests that former Zoroastrians and Jews have done quite well in this regard, but not their Muslim background counterparts.

The UHJs decision to adopt a more rabid form of fundamentalism and hardline position in 1996 bode well for the Baha’i Jews especially.

They were the ones that successfully lobbeyed the UHJ to:
1) Instruct Iranian Baha’is not to attend Naw-Ruz celebrations by Iranian exile communities;
2) Instruct Iranian Baha’is not to associate with the general Iranian community in exile, thereby attempting to foist a Baha’i-only -rather than a universally Iranian – Naw-Ruz culture.

Counsellor Manijeh Reyhani, for example, who was instrumental in getting Hamid Taheri excommunicated comes from a dual Zoroastrian and Jewish background. These people control the Payam-i Bahai magazine (run by ’60s-’70s Pahlavi insider Shapour Rasekh a.k.a. Delaram Mashhuri), the Andalib magazine, and, until its demise Landegg in Switzerland, as well as Radio Bahai (broadcasting in Persian), not to mention composition of the Ruhi modules.

Iran has always been rich in supplying and exporting Baha’i travel teachers around the world. The Baha’i Jewish lobby now wants to dominate and silence the mainstream Iranian Baha’i community by exporting their hyper-fundamentalist reading of the cult into Iran. They have funded companies and businesses through the missionaries in order to “teach the youth” and set up Ruhi Institutes. The Baha’i community in Iran has suffered enormously at the hands of the Islamic regime. It has lost some of its most charismatic Baha’i intellectuals like the Bakhtavars or Davudis. The present elite leadership is exclusively made up of former Jews. There are deep divisions in the community and some of the truly learned ones have boycotted the current crop of leaders and their activities.

So this latest effort to export missionaries is aimed at demonstrating “the correct version of the faith” to the rank and file at the same time isolating (and hopefully driving out) the voices of dissent. It is also a means, among others, by the Israelis to gain further footholds inside Iran itself. Both policies, it would appear, have now failed. The Iranian Baha’i community is racked with dissension and schism, and the IR finally blew its top (and reasonably so given all the freedoms they had given the Baha’is since the mid ’90s) with this ridiculous allegation of genocide by the Jewish Baha’i leadership. One wonders if maybe deep down these Jewish Baha’is actually pray for a holocaust to occu in Iran so that they can politically capitalize on it for their future designs, just as their European Jewish counterparts vis-a-vis Palestine.

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